About us

RCBB Gruppe is a Romanian-German group with extensive experience in the residential, commercial and industrial construction market.
The cornerstone of RCBB Gruppe is RC BETON BAU Romania. Our success is based on efficient organization, dynamic management and a well-developed entrepreneurial spirit, being more than performance and results.

Always with a focus on the team and partners, we bring benefits to all involved.


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RCBB Gruppe means more than quality construction work and excellence, it means people first and foremost. Fair, honest, professional, quality people, open to personal and professional development.

The performance of the group is given by the responsible activity and according to the quality standards of each of the more than 500 members of the RCBB Gruppe.

Meet our team!

Dipl. Ing. Radu BalanManagement

Managing Partner

14 years of experience in the construction field, as a construction engineer, project manager and company administrator. Co-founder and managing partner of RCBB Gruppe
Dipl. Ing. Codrin BotezatManagement

Managing Partner

14 years of experience in the construction field, as a construction engineer, site manager, project manager and company administrator. Co-founder and managing partner of RCBB Gruppe
Technical and Tenders
Ing. Bogdan Monița
Ing. Bogdan MonițaTechnical and Tenders

Civil Engineer / Head of Technical and Tenders Department

6 years of experience in the field of construction in Germany, as a civil engineer, site manager, and project manager
Ing. Marinela ApetriTechnical and Tenders

Civil Engineer

6 years of experience in the Construction field, as a civil engineer and expert in work status analysis
Ing. Andrei PopescuTechnical and Tenders

Civil Construction Engineer

Dipl. Ing. Radu FlorianTechnical and Tenders

Civil Engineer

Technical Germany
Ing. Cătălin BarbuTechnical Germany

Civil Construction Engineer

Ing. Gheorghiță - Daniel BotezatuTechnical Germany

Civil Engineer

Ing. Laurențiu BrînzeiTechnical Germany

Surveying Engineer

Ing. Alexandru CiubotaruTechnical Germany

Civil Engineer

3 years of experience in the field of construction, in Romania as well as in Germany, as a civil engineer
Ing. Diego-Alexandru DamianTechnical Germany

Civil Engineer / Construction Site Manager

11 years of construction experience in Germany as site manager and assistant site manager
Ing. Gheorghe Dinu
Ing. Gheorghe DinuTechnical Germany

Civil Engineer / Construction Site Manager

Over 20 years of experience in construction, as a site manager, both in Romania and in Germany
Ing. Avedis EhrenbergerTechnical Germany

Civil Engineer / Construction Site Manager

Ing. Gabriel EneTechnical Germany

Civil Construction Engineer

Ing. Alexandru ForțanTechnical Germany

Civil Engineer

Ing. Constantin GavrilTechnical Germany

Civil Engineer / Construction Site Manager

Ing. Mihăiță-Ionuț GrigoriuTechnical Germany

Civil Construction Engineer

Ing. Sebastian NaneTechnical Germany

Civil Engineer

Ing. Bogdan NanuTechnical Germany

Surveying Engineer

3 years of construction experience
Ing. Florin RaicuTechnical Germany

Civil Construction Engineer / Construction Site Manager

Dipl. Ing. Cristian SocoteanuTechnical Germany

Civil Engineer / Project Manager

Dipl. Ing. Cosmin-Laurențiu Spiridon-ScurtuTechnical Germany

Civil Engineer / Construction Site Manager

Ing. Nelu StoeanTechnical Germany

Civil Engineer

Dipl. Ing. Daniel StrăchinaruTechnical Germany

Civil Engineer / Project Manager

Over 30 years of construction experience, as site manager, administrator and head of investment service, within renowned companies in Germany, Romania and Israel
Mitică DamianTechnical Germany

Construction Site Manager

Paraschiv MarinceaTechnical Germany

Construction Site Manager

Peste 20 years of experience in construction, as site manager and project manager, both in Romania and in Germany
Alin-Cornel PascariuTechnical Germany

Construction Site Manager

12 years of experience in the field of construction in Romania, Italy, Luxembourg, Germany as a carpenter, carpenter team leader and site manager
George Trifan
George TrifanTechnical Germany

Construction Site Manager

11 years of construction experience gained on construction sites in Germany, as works coordinator and site manager
Cosmin Nelu BalanTechnical Germany

Team Leader

Laurențiu BoșoagăTechnical Germany

Team Leader

Ion CiubotaruTechnical Germany


Nelu-Romeo SatnoianuTechnical Germany

Team Leader

Ion SimionTechnical Germany

Team Leader

Alexandru TrancăTechnical Germany

Team Leader

Vasile Uleniuc
Vasile UleniucTechnical Germany


Technical Romania
Ing. Răducu ApostolTechnical Romania

Engineer / Project Manager

9 years of experience in construction field and in building installation systems
Ing. Tiberiu Budeanu, Echipa Tehnica RCBB Gruppe Romania
Ing. Tiberiu BudeanuTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer

Ing. Bogdan ChiperiTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer / Project Manager

7 years of experience as Construction Site Manager for various civil construction projects in Romania
Ing. Andrei Alexandru
Ing. Andrei Marian AlexandruTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer / Construction Site Manager

Ing. Felicia BencecanTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer

Ing. Alexandru BobocTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer

Ing. Sergiu CanudaTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer

Ing. Gabriel CăeriuTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer / Construction Site Manager

Ing. Mihail CluciTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer / Construction Site Manager

Ing. Lucian CorodeanuTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer

Ing. George CrețuTechnical Romania

Surveying Engineer

Ing. Anatol CristeaTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer

Ing. Eusebiu DolhascuTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer / Construction Site Manager

Ing. Marcel Luța
Ing. Marcel LuțaTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer / Construction Site Manager

7 years of experience in civil and industrial construction
Ing. Radu MarusicTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer / Project Manager

Ing. Răzvan MereuțăTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer

Ing. Adrian SaviucTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer

Ing. George ScrijanTechnical Romania

Civil Construction Engineer

Ing. Daniel SîrgheTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer

Ing. Andrei UrsacheTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer / Construction Site Manager

Ing. Ionuț Constantin VăleanTechnical Romania

Civil Engineer

Irina SimireaTechnical Romania

Engineering Intern

Gheorghe TopciuTechnical Romania

Construction Site Manager

Over 35 years of experience in the construction field obtained in Romania and Germany, and onsite lead and carpenters team leader
Ioan ApostoaeAdministrative

Operations Coodinator

8 years of experience in the Administrative field as an administration technician and administrative consultant
Sebastian AivănoaieAdministrative

Car Fleet specialist

Constantin ComanAdministrative

Administrative specialist

Over 35 years of experience in business consulting and as a translator in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.
Ing. Sorin PopaAdministrative

Thermal Systems Engineer

5 years of experience in the fields of thermal systems and equipment and in construction, as an engineer, in Romania and Germany
Human Resources
Mihaela HuzumHuman Resources

HR Manager

12 years of experience in Human Resources, as a Team Leader and HR Recruiter, in top companies
Oana AlbuHuman Resources

Recruiting Analyst

Brigitte AltHuman Resources

Accounting Assistant

7 years of experience as a food industry engineer and marketing specialist
Anastasia CiobanuHuman Resources

Human Resource Analyst

Mădălina CiocîntăHuman Resources

Recruiting Analyst

3 years of HR experience
Elvira HăbășescuHuman Resources

Analist Resurse Umane

Alexandra PanaiteHuman Resources

Recruiting Analyst

Cosmina ȚipăuHuman Resources

Human Resource Analyst

4 years of experience in Human Resources
Suzana ApostolFinancial

Financial Director

24 years of experience in the Tax Inspection as lead inspector within ANAF - Regional Directorate of Public Finances Iași
Laura MunteanuFinancial

Chief Accountant

Ștefana IorgaFinancial


Laura TîrnoveanuLegal


Corina IonelMarketing

Marketing Coordinator

16 years of experience in Media and Advertising, as a multimedia journalist, marketing and communication specialist and PR coordinator
Ionuț ZotaMarketing

Marketing Specialist

Occupational Safety
Silviu BoleaOccupational Safety

OHS Technician

Who we are

RCBB Gruppe is a dynamic group with solid experience on the construction market in Germany and in Romania structured in 5 companies: RC BETON BAU SRL, RCBB GMBH, EMSO INTERNATIONAL SRL, EMER INTERNATIONAL SRL and BB CORE SRL.

Since its establishment in 2018, RCBB has focused its efforts on developing an impressive portfolio of projects. With over 70 successful construction projects to his credit, including major projects such as the New Munich Philharmonic, Lörrach Medical Clinic and American Medical Clinic in Weilerbach strong>, the group has brought innovation and quality to every completed site.


RCBB in figures in 5 reference years:

  • > 600 people
  • > 70 projects, including:
    • New Munich Philharmonic, with 1900 seats;
    • 1 sports base;
    • 7 schools and student dormitories, with a total area of ​​over 26,000 m²;
    • 3 hospitals, with a total area of ​​almost 180,000 m2, with 21 operating rooms, 190 examination rooms;
    • 1 laboratory with an area of ​​over 6700 m2;
    • 6 nursing homes, with 591 places and 322 apartments
    • 36 residential complexes and houses, with 200 houses, almost 4000 apartments with a usable area of ​​over 270,000 m2 and approximately 7000 parking spaces;< /li>
    • 3 buildings intended for commercial spaces;
    • 5 office buildings, with a total area of ​​over 73,000 m2.

To sum up, in the first 5 years of activity we achieved:


  • 200,000.00 m² masonry;
  • 35,000.00 tons rebar;
  • 480,000.00 m² tiles;
  • 540,000.00 m² wall formwork;
  • 370,000.00 m³ cast concrete.

RCBB Group philosophy

The RCBB Group philosophy, placing the partner (internal and external) at the center of the business strategy, reflects the vision of the founders to sustainably build and develop projects and teams aimed at maximizing value for all involved, responsibly .


Our mission is to build the world of tomorrow professionally, responsibly and sustainably. We are dedicated to community development and creating a sustainable future through high quality construction projects.


Our vision is to become recognized leaders in the construction industry through excellence, innovation and contribution to the development of society.
What we offer
Construction of residential buildingsConstruction of residential buildings

We execute turnkey residential complexes, from planning and design, to excavation and foundation, to structure and construction, to installations and finishing.

Engineering, technical consulting and integrated project managementEngineering, technical consulting and integrated project management

These services are essential to ensure that the project is completed efficiently, on time and to the expected quality. Specialist consultants and engineers work together to provide innovative solutions and overcome technical challenges, thus contributing to the overall success of the project.

Construction of non-residential buildingsConstruction of non-residential buildings

We build schools, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and concert halls, from the structural stage to turnkey delivery.

Site ManagementSite Management

We carry out a range of activities, responsibly, to ensure the efficient and safe progress of construction work on site.

Group history

Group history

  • September 2023

    The anniversary of 5 years of activity carried out with determination and efficiency, the RCBB Portfolio exceeds 60 projects and the team has more than 500 employees.

  • January 2023

    We start work on the US-Klinikum Weilerbach, Ramstein-Miesenbach (Ed. Züblin AG), the largest American hospital built outside the USA and the second project in the RCBB portfolio worth more than 6 million euros.

  • December 2022

    We complete the work on the first 100% RCBB project, in Romania, at Miroslava and close the year with a turnover of 24 million euros, an increase of 68% compared to the previous year.

  • September 2022

    The new RCBB Gruppe image and the new company presentation magazine are launched on the occasion of the 4-year anniversary.

  • September 2022

    We start work on the Silk District (Prime Kapital), one of the largest urban regeneration projects in Iasi.

  • June 2022

    We launch the first construction site under our own direction and consolidate our presence on the Romanian market.

  • May 2022

    We win the contract for BV WA Lichtblick, Würzburg (Glöckle Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH), where we are building the tallest building in our portfolio to date, at 17 floors.

  • January 2022

    Our team exceeds 400 employees.

  • December 2021

    RCBB Gruppe's portfolio reaches 30 sites completed or in progress. Partial financial data indicates a turnover of over €13.83 million for 2021 and a year-on-year growth of 233.91%.

  • March 2021

    We win the contract for BV Kliniken des Landkreises, Lörrach (Ed. Züblin AG), our first project with a value of over 6 million Euro.

  • December 2020

    We close the year with a portfolio of 13 projects, some completed, others just signed.

  • February 2020

    We sign the contract for BV Neubau Philharmonie Gasteig HP8, Munich (Glöckle Hoch-und Tiefbau), a major and extremely demanding project.

  • February 2020

    We complete the first two construction sites: BV Vatterstetten (Universale Bau GmbH), and BV Osnabruck (LG Baugesellschaft mbH & Co. KG).

  • September 2018

    Eng. dipl. Radu Balan and Eng. Codrin Botezat establishes RC BETON BAU and starts our first project.

Group history
Group history
Group history
Group history
Group history
Group history
Group history


Our ISO certifications reflect our firm commitment to providing superior construction services, meeting the highest international standards of quality and reliability, positioning us competitively in an ever-evolving market.

ISO 45001

The international standard for an occupational health and safety management system. As a sector with multiple risks, we take all precautions for the safety of our employees and to prevent accidents at work. We use appropriate protective equipment, implement specific measures to minimize risks and regularly train our staff.

ISO 14001

The international standard that establishes the criteria for an Environmental Management System. It requires the adoption of a systematic approach in order to deal with environmental issues. The environmental management system is a useful "tool" that allows us to control the impact of our activities, products and services on the environment.

ISO 9001

The international standard for the quality management system; it is used by companies to control product quality. It requires our company to define and follow a quality management system that is adequate and effective, to identify areas that can be improved and to take measures towards them.

AFER Certification

RCBB Gruppe is authorized by the Romanian authorities, through RC BETON BAU, to provide the following critical railway services:
- Construction, repairs, maintenance, reinforcement, and modernization of railway-specific buildings, including housing equipment for railway traffic control, management, signaling, and related installations, except for those under the jurisdiction of other authorities.
- Construction, repairs, and maintenance of platforms, quays, ramps, canopies, footbridges, and pedestrian passages.

RCBB Gruppe values